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Sunday, July 31, 2011

Battle of Browsers...

 I am surprised how people endlessly debate about Internet browsers on the web. Fans of one browser are dying to put others low. In fact, it is one of the indefinite debates taking place in the cyber world. I often enjoy reading threads like Intel vs. AMD, Pentium vs. Celeron, Nokia vs. Sonyericsson, X-Box vs Playstation, Avast vs. AVG and Windows vs. Mac. What I found interesting is, people love to praise & support the things they own!!

Though as far as browsers are concerned, I decided to share my own experiences with you about 3 "Daddies"of the time ,i.e Internet Explorer, Firefox and Google Chrome. I will take each browser one by one so first comes Internet Explrer...

1. Internet Explorer :
                       Internet Explorer is world's most popular browser having 43% shares. If you are an ease lover and don't want to suffer from some headache after installing windows on your personal computer, then this is for you. If we generally talk about speed, Internet Explorer sucks big time!!(let me apologize to IE fans and Bill Gates). It takes relatively longer time to download a webpage and open it. Its downloader also sucks. If you are using a shared bandwidth, you will probably die waiting for a relatively bigger file to download.(On my 1Mb DSL connection, i got 90-100 kb downloading speed on a freshly installed windows and 10-30 kb after 2-3 months, I don't know the reason behind it). It is also resources hungry. Despite of these bitter facts, Internet Explorer provides maximum portability and functionality. You can easily add-in your favorite plugins and personalized features.It has the highest Java Script Execution Time. Download accelerators love Internet Explorer. RSS and Windows Live! feeds are easy to manage and the best thing about it... it is Windows friendly.. Here comes a bad news for Windows XP users, you are stuck forever on IE 8 because IE 9 is not for XP :( IE 8 have no HTML 5 support and in 1 or 2 years, it will be a thing you don't wanna have in your PC. So choose your browser wisely today!!

2. Firefox:

Microsoft employees surely hated it for a long time and the reason is clear; Firefox ruled the Cyber World with its enhanced features. The first thing people loved about it was SPEED. It gave people a 'Jailbreak' by providing faster browsing on their existing internet connections. Firefox introduces 'Tabbed' browsing for the first time. It also allowed people to manage their downloads in a separate window and pause, resume an ongoing download. The only disadvantage in using Firefox was its slow execution time but you can get rid of it in newer versions . Firefox provides portability less than IE. Firefox holds 30% shares which are decreasing permanently.If you had asked me for a browser before 2 years, i had recommended it to you. But now a days, my relationship is much stronger with another browser instead of IE and Firefox .

3. Google Chrome:
                                                 The best thing about Google Chrome is, its Google's own so it's your very own.. What I mean by 'Google' is your best friend that is always there when you need it. So, Chrome browser is somehow, related to YOU. Google chrome is no doubt the best browser for you if you wish to head towards  Semantic Web ( Future of Internet when Computers will know and understand Web automatically).
 Google chrome is still in trial (Beta) releases. It is the result of an open source project so you can say that it is built for public, by public. Chrome have a lot of built-in features. You don't even have to install Flash Player to stream videos on YouTube. It offers the best browsing speed in the town, fastest execution time and coolest browsing environment. By opening it, you don't have a feeling of running a computer software, instead, opening it feels like opening the WEB itself as a stand alone thing. Despite of these great features, Google chrome encounters a lot of bugs and face some serious difficulties while living in Windows OS. You have to install it separately for all users. Some Windows applications don't understand it so there is an interesting battle seen between IE and Google Chrome to make them your default.
If you haven't tried Google Chrome yet, then you should be surely jailed ;) I personally use Google Chrome and I also suggest it to you. Download it here.

Closing Words:
                                       The best thing is that which gives you the most charm!! Time changes and so does the technology and preferences. Things popular today can be in dust tomorrow. So, choose the things that suits you the most.

Finally, i found this interesting chart that differentiate between different browsers. It'l help you a lot in choosing the right thing for you.


  1. Great Analysis....!!!! I couldn't wait to download and start using google chrome after reading that.... I also used to be a fan of chrome but my bro told me that firefox is better, but guess what? I am back now....
