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Friday, July 29, 2011

My first blog...

 Blogging Sucks!!!

Why should I write blog? Who will waste time in reading someone's personal opinions? How do I regularly update it? What the blog really is? These were the questions I confronted with when I thought of starting a blog. But somehow, I do believe that two friends of mine (out of 6.93 billion population of this world) will surely read it, and read it forever.. These two forced me indirectly to write it so I dedicate this wastage of time to them. I am here with all my stupidness, dumbness and gitness ( I apologize if you don't find these words in Dictionary but they are making sense... aren't they? ). Please do me a favor and visit this blog if you have pocketfuls of time. If you think you have wasted your time at my blog, I am ready to give you mine... so stay tuned. Rab Raakha...!

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